I went for a walk with a friend yesterday in High Park Here in Toronto and took a few pictures as always. I really would be lost if I went anywhere without my camera. As we were walking along Grenadier Pond I remember the story I heard one winter when I was walking on the frozen pond from a guy who lives along the pond. He told me of the myth that in the early 1800's a few British Grenadiers (soldiers) fell though the ice during drill practice because of all the gear that had with them while trying to cross the frozen pond during the late winter and but a few drowned in the pond. I personally think it's just all a myth but still a fun story to imagine about even if there is not any record of such an event occurring.
You're posting some excellent photos here, Nick!
Great post and nice pictures. Keep it up.
I believe the turtles on the left & middle are Red-eared Sliders. Very unlikely to find a Western Painted Turtle this far south.
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