Thursday, August 27, 2009

How Much Is That Birdy On The Pole

Over by Casino Rama near Orillia while driving a long a friend pointed out this huge thing on top of a hydro pole and I look up and what do I see...
A Huge bird nest on top of that pole. What size of bird would make a nest over 4 feet wide besides a Bald Eagle I am not quite sure. I know we have bald eagles here in Ontario but I've never seen one myself. I've seen a few Great Horned Owls from time to time but I have never seen nests like this before here in Ontario. Not sure how long the nest has been there but I do hope it gets used for years to come.


Anonymous said...


I find Canadian birds have nest in weird places. We had one above our front door twice in a row!

musiknlaw said...

That is an Osprey nest. Lots of them in the Orillia area.

Unknown said...

I myself have come across an osprey nest just minutes away from Casino Rama. I'm here now and going to take more pictures. Pics to follow